La Lucia Junior Primary School was established in 1970 as La Lucia Infant School and was then officially opened as La Lucia Junior Primary School in 1972.
The school has been serving the local community as a Foundation Phase School, offering Grades One, Two and Three for over 50 years.
From humble beginnings with a total enrolment of 22, the school has grown with the needs of the community and now accommodates approximately 300 learners per annum.

Our Ethos
Our ethos is best defined by our School Prayer and School Song.
School Prayer
God make my life a little light within the world to glow.
A little flame that burns so bright wherever I may go.
School Song
Let laughter light our learning, each and every day
We spend together here, as we grow in knowledge
For our badge shows that we, are all Rising Stars
Twinkling with brightness in a sky of happiness.
Let us be the best we can, in both our work and play
Let our values always stand, in what we do and say
Let Fellowship be our guide every single day
La Lucia, La Lucia
We presently enjoy:-
4 classes per grade (average class size: 25 pupils)
In 2015 we opened The Victor Daitz Academic Support Unit which offers specially designed venues for onsite Occupational Therapy, Speech and Language Therapy and Remedial Therapy which is all undertaken by qualified Therapists.
We have three Academic Support Classes, one per grade with a maximum class size of 12 pupils.
A hall that can accommodate all the learners for assemblies and productions
A well-stocked Media Centre and Reading Room which is the hub of the school and is visited every day by every child.
Interactive Smartboard technology, Computer Lab and the use of iPads as part of the academic programme.
Specialist Teachers in the following fields: Music, Media Centre, Computers, Afrikaans and isiZulu.
Music Room
A refurbished 15 metre Swimming Pool.
A Mini Astro where several different sports can be played including mini-Tennis, Hockey and Netball.
Cricket nets
Extensive grounds to accommodate our sports programme and extra-mural activities.
The After School Care Centre
One of the focus areas at La Lucia Junior Primary School is strong values and compassion for others. Our School Rule # 6 is “I will be kind” and this is the basis for our outreach initiatives, where we encourage our learners, parents and staff to support various charities. The aim is to create awareness and foster empathy, compassion and kindness in our children. We support a broad range of charities including animal welfare organisations.
As part of developing awareness of Environmental issues we have various initiatives, one of which is a weekly Newspaper Recycling Competition in partnership with Mpact. Trophies are awarded in Assembly to the four classes who collect the most paper in a week.
In accordance with the 3-School Alliance, uniforms have been standardised and are available for purchase from the Uniform Shop at Virginia Preparatory School.
Our Aftercare Centre is run by a dedicated team who oversee the daily homework of the children and ensure that they attend any extra-mural activities on offer. The programme is varied, including indoor and outdoor play which all takes place in a safe and happy environment.
All policies are available on request but are issued on admission in a booklet titled
“La Lucia Junior Primary School – The SURVIVAL guide”.